Contour Tap or Knob Turner
Turning taps and knobs is not an easy process for someone with limited mobility or grip. They require a person to put in a lot of effort or need someone’s assistance for the job. But with this Contour Tap or Knob Turner, this process is now easy to accomplish.
The device is perfect for turning lesser difficult items like taps and knobs. It has a spring bed made of stainless steel rods. Which when placed around an item, retract and conforms around the shape. Turn the lever to acquire or move the item.
The handle of this turner is made from high-quality plastic to ensure that the users have an excellent grip when using this tool. The turner eliminates the need to twist the wrist which can be a painful process for a lot of people with limited mobility. The Contour Tap or Know Turner has a simple and effective design which makes it a much better choice than most other similar products on the market. Made from durable materials and can easily withstand daily use for years to come.
The head size of this Contour Tap or Knob Turner is 95mm wide and the tool is 50mm deep. The weight of the tool is 130 grams and its compact design ensures enhanced portability and storage.