Dentons Low Profile Pillow
The Dentons Low Profile Pillow has a lower contour. It suits smaller framed people who either sleep on their side or back. It also has optional neck support heights at the front and back edge rolls. The ìLow Profile” pillow is overall 2.5cms lower than the companion ìHigh Profile” pillow.
The Pillow provides the best therapeutic support as your head is placed naturally in the contour, whilst the neck is placed on the raised edge roll this is the ideal posture for correct spinal alignment.
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The Aged Care Store recommends that you talk to your Medical Practitioner or Case Worker before purchasing any daily living aid products to ascertain whether this product is suitable for you. If you start to feel pain or discomfort, you should stop immediately and also seek Medical Help. We care for you, so please use in accordance with the provided instructions.