Dycem Anchorpads
The Dycem Anchorpads is suitable for an extensive range of applications. Place on tabletops and worktops to place some items on it, or to increase the grip on jars, handles, cutlery, etc.
It is the most effective non-slip material, making it an excellent choice for a number of different applications. While the pad is not sticky it easily grips on to dry slippery surfaces, like trays, tables, floors, etc. to prevent movement.
While there are several other products to improve grip, the Dycem Anchorpads are the simplest and most effective. It is light in weight, highly useful, and is available in many different shapes, sizes, and colors.
Even cleaning the pads is a simple and time-efficient process. You can clean it in soft soapy water but remember that it is not effective when wet.
Place at different locations throughout the home to help someone with poor grip to independently manage day-to-day activities. Unlike the molded products, the anchorpads are way thinner and highly flexible too. This makes it easier to wrap the pads on many different items of daily use and increase the grip on the items. As the pads are very thin and flexible, they can be easily stored when not in use.
Simple, effective and highly durable, the Dycem Anchorpads are sure to help people with poor grip in many different ways.