Key Turner
The small size of a key can make it difficult for people with limited hand mobility, hand weakness or poor grip, to turn the key for opening and closing a door. But with this Key Turner, turning a key is easy.
Users can easily wrap their fingers around the Key Turner. It also provides a large grip handle. Making it easier to turn the key for any type of door. The turner offers excellent grip. Ensuring that the users are able to easily close or open a door without any assistance.
Made from highly durable material to ensure that it continues to deliver flawless functionality for several years. A compact and lightweight design, ensuring it can easily store away in pockets or a purse.
Suitable for any type of key, meaning that when you replace the key you will not need to find a new key turner. When you do change your key, simply unscrew the current key and replace it with the new one.
In addition, when not in use, the key can easily fold into the handle of this turner. The simple and durable design of this Key Turner makes it an excellent choice to aid people open and close doors.
Easy to use and highly durable, this Two Key Turner is definitely an excellent household tool for people who struggle with turning keys.