Talarmade Equiflex Black Firm Density Insole – High Arched
Talarmade Equiflex Black Firm Density Insole features an interesting contour design. Designed to increase the functionality of the high arch foot. Reduces first toe joint pressure, also alleviates the heel positions. Decreases lateral instability and also encourages the foot to become accustomed to the weight inserted on it by the body.
Equiflex black firm insole features heel cupping. This also aids in the reduction of heel valgus and improves the calcaneal stability. This orthoses has a 0.3 and 5 degree medial and lateral forefoot posts, in addition a 6mm elevator. It has an anti-bacterial top cover that keeps off odor and improves the ease of wearing the insoles. This orthosis also features a recess in the first metatarsal head and medial arch support, all which increases its functionality and applicability.
Equiflex black firm density insole best suited for individuals in need of:
- biomechanical functional control of the supinated foot;
- planter fasciitis;
- functional hallux limitus;
- metatarsalgia; and also
- paleofemoral pain symptom amongst others.
Instructions for use
Talarmade Equifax black insoles are uniquely shaped to increase their adaptability to different types of shoes. Due to their anti-bacterial top cover, they are also easy to insert into the desired shoes and fit your foot inside. They come in a range of sizes which increases the probability of finding the ones that will give you a perfect fit.