Eggsercizer ®
The Eggsercizer is the world’s smallest exercise machine. Designed to meet the needs of orthopaedic surgeons, exercise physiologists, PT’s, and OT’s. This is a perfect exercise and therapy tool for strengthening weak or injured fingers, hands, arm muscles and wrist. Fits comfortably into the palm of the hand as its contoured. In addition, it is suitable for increasing flexibility, strength and for reducing stress.
Wash in warm water. Quickly returns to its original shape; the new design means that it’s also tack-free and smooth, eliminating stickiness on the hand.
Colour coded:
- Orange – X-Soft. The softer resistance levels are reduced, therefore, creating a softer feel, ideal for rehabilitation;
- Green – Soft;
- Blue – Medium; also
- Purple – Firm.
If undertaking your own exercise program or in-home therapy, it is important to always talk to a HealthCare professional first. If you start to experience any form of pain or discomfort stop immediately and also seek expert advice.