Swimming Might Be The Exercise That Helps in Preventing Falls
What’s that you say? Another article about Preventing Falls! Well, of course, core stability is so important when it comes to fall prevention.
(This article originally appeared on Grandparents.com.) Odds are you know an older adult who’s fallen at home. Perhaps the person ended up with a few bruises, or maybe injuries and a trip to the hospital with a dislocated shoulder, broken hip or worse. It’s possibly happened to you. You’re not alone. You Can Read More Here….
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Swiming and Preventing Falls Study
The National Institute of Health in the USA, identified that at least one-third of people over 65 have had a fall. Falls can also result in a trip to the emergency department. With injury including fractures, dislocated shoulder, and a broken hip.
Here in Australia, the University of Western Sydney completed a study that included over 1500 men over the age of 70. The findings demonstrated that the men who used swimming as a form of exercise had a lower risk of failing. The study also included runners and golfers. However, the swimmers came out on top, with a decreased risk of a fall. In addition, it also found those who were swimming regularly had better balance. What the study didn’t show was that swimming directly prevents falls!
Thoughts by the Aged Care Store Team
Well you know we are always going to add in our two cents worth!
So here is what we think. Any form of exercise is definitely going to help keep you stable, fit and healthy. This is because your body is moving and the muscles are remaining strong, as they are continually being used and strengthened. This surely has to be better than doing nothing at all.
As always we love to know your thoughts, so feel free to add them via Facebook.