Author Archives: alissa

Swimming Might Be The Exercise That Helps in Preventing Falls

Preventing Falls

Swimming Might Be The Exercise That Helps in Preventing Falls What’s that you say? Another article about Preventing Falls! Well, of course, core stability is so important when it comes to fall prevention. (This article originally appeared on Odds are you know an older adult who’s fallen at home. Perhaps the person ended up with a […]

Seniors Group Exercise – It Becomes Part of Your Life

Group Exercise for seniors

Seniors Group Exercise I’ve been writing a lot lately about how important it is to exercise as we get older. There are so many exercise options from weight training, High Intensity Interval Training HIIT, walking and Group Exercise programs. Ultimately the biggest take home from all the research is that a good balance between exercises […]

Fighting Frailty with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – Anti Aging News

Fighting Frailty with High Intensity Interval Training

Fighting Frailty with High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The University of Buffalo conducted a study with the purpose of determining if HIIT might help reduce frailty during the aging process. The results were published in the Gerontology Journal. Frailty puts people at an increased risk of death and also for multiple chronic diseases. The study’s results […]

Hernia Types And What You Need To Know About Hiatal Hernias

Hernia Types And What You Need To Know About Hiatal Hernias

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash Disclaimer: let’s get down to business here; I am not a Doctor, Occupational Therapist or any type of Medical Professional. I’m only gathering the doctor Google facts. Please always speak to your Medical Professional if you have any medical issues. Hernia Types And What You Need To Know About […]